Money: Step One - Learn to Build

The biggest question whenever we talk about wealth and money and being rich is: 

How to get money?

There are tons of people all over the internet telling you to do this and do that. To invest in X fund, to buy Y stock, or to give the money to Z fund manager. But, hardly anyone tackles the most fundamental question - where do you get the money to start with?

Tell me how to get money!
The answer to this question is fairly simple. Note, I say simple and not easy. 
In order to obtain money, and in turn change it into wealth, you need to create VALUE.
It is in exchange of the value that you create that you will be rewarded by the universe. 

So, what is value? And, how can I create value?
Money works on the simple principle of supply and demand. If you possess something that is in high demand, your possession is valuable. If you possess a lot of this in-demand thing, you become a high value person. You have the supply, and in exchange for providing the market what it needs (value) you can get whatever you want (money, assets, etc).

Next, we tackle the question of how to generate value?
To generate value you must teach yourself to CREATE. Consumers are always in abundance. It is the producers (good quality) that are scarce. Therefore, it is these producers that control the demand and it is these producers that are at the benefitting end of the spectrum. Money flows towards them.

There are several ways you can create value. A few things I can suggest are:

  1. Learn to code: Coding is by far the best way to create. I say this not because I am biased, but because of the fact that in the digital world today, knowing how to code will allow you to create massively scalable products.
  2. Create an app/website: This is in line with point 1 but deserved a reiteration and a separate mention of its own. Learn development if you can - Android, iOS, software for OS X, Windows - anything works! 
  3. Create a digital front for your business: In case you own (or plan to create) an offline business, get yourself a digital presence. In the age of the internet, nothing can be a bigger boost to business than an online presence.
  4. Create content - Articles, blog posts, youtube videos, Twitch game streams - anything that has the potential to add value to a significant number of people. Tales of 17-year-old kids making thousands of dollars each month are nothing new these days. All because they are creating content, creating value in the right space. 
This is by no means an exhaustive list. There are many many other options and opportunities. The key is to identify them and start working!
Also note, that with creating value, CONSISTENCY is the key! You will not see results in one, two, ten or even fifty days. But if you have chosen an area where a substantial problem exists, and if your solution is good, the results will come for sure.

Always remember, you can catch a bird in 2 ways:
  • Keep running after it until you get it. 
  • Throw some grain, and simply wait.

With the latter, you might even end up catching more than one birds. To earn money you need to make money come to you. Create something that the world is willing to pay you for. Once you have a product that is as good as it can be, simply sit and wait.

Until next time,


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