Billie Eilish strips at Miami concert! Response to critics for body shaming

Billie Eilish has always been in the news for her dressing style and her personality. What separates her from the rest, and brings her attention is that she often wears clothes much larger than her actual size.
In most of her public appearances, including the prestigious Grammys’ Awards, she was seen wearing baggy clothes. While one should not be judged for the way they dress, celebrities are bound to e under scrutiny, no matter what they do.
Some examples:
Image result for billie eilish clothing

Image result for billie eilish clothing

And this:
Image result for billie eilish clothing
A lot of people criticize Billie Eilish for her “non-sexy” clothing. As a response to this, during her Miami concert, Billie Eilish stripped all pieces of clothing down until only shreds covered her body.

Here is a recording of her during the act.

As can be seen from the video, her fans and people at the concert went crazy.

I applaud this action by Billie as a great response to her critics and people who have a shallow defiition of beauty.



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