Review: Bluehost - an affordable, reliable web hosting service

Bluehost review: affordable reliable hosting service

What is Bluehost

Founded in 1996, Bluehost is one of the most popular web hosting providers on the internet. Being the hosting of choice for as many as 2 million websites all over the web, it is definitely a popular choice among netizens and content creators of the 21st century.

One of the biggest winning points for Bluehost is their extremely affordable pricing scheme and their active customer support. This makes them the go-to option for most newcomers.

In this review, we go on to review the service in detail and come out with a recommendation as to whether it will be useful for you.


Like any other hosting service, Bluehost provides several options for its customers with prices starting as low as $3.95 per month. Some salient features that make Bluehost worth a try are:
  • FREE Domain Name for 1st Year
  • FREE SSL Certificate Included
  • 1-Click WordPress Install
  • 24/7 Support for clients.


According to the stats provided by, Bluehost is one of the top web hosting service providers.

Scoring an impressive 82.92%, they boast close to 100% uptime and a respectable response time of 140ms for shared hosting services.

These stats put Bluehost above several other competitors.

Check if your desired domain is available:

Where it excels 

  • Recommended by This is one big plus since it ensures that for anyone willing to setup a Wordpress website, compatibility would never be a problem. Moreover, it also means that it will be easier for you to get support when needed.
  • Powerful and easy-to-navigate knowledge base: This makes the entire setting up procedure newbie-friendly.
  • Good plans for future scaling needs: Once you start gaining traction from your blog/website, you can upscale easily. In fact, even if you migrate from shared hosting to a VPS, the process is fairly simple and you will always have reliable support staff to assist you.
  • Daily backup and easy restore: You do not stand a chance to lose your data even if there is a problem at Bluehost's end.
  • Cloudflare access is built into control panel: This helps protect your website from bots and unnecessary spammers.
  • $100 Free ad credits with all plans

Where it lacks

Despite all the benefits, there are some areas where Bluehost lacks as a hosting service. A few cons:
  • Renewal fees can be significantly higher
  • Many upsells on additional features: On signup, Bluehost will offer to sell you many other services. You can easily opt-out if you do not want to buy. Still, I count it as a con.
  • Add-ons can get expensive: This is an extension of the previous point. Again, it is not mandatory to buy these, but if you choose to, they are not the cheapest options available.
  • No free site migration


The biggest winning point for Bluehost is their pricing. They have plans starting for as little as $3.95 per month. Less than what you would pay for your coffee in a day!

Later on, when you have built a following for your blog, you can upgrade to get access to better performance and more features.

Is Bluehost ideal for you? 

In my opinion, Bluehost is best for people who are complete beginners to creating and managing websites.

This is because of two primary reasons:
  • Affordability
  • Ease of setup and Wordpress Official support.
As a beginner, you need to focus more time on creating content that your followers would love and less time trying to figure out how to setup a website. Bluehost helps do just that for you!

Final word

On this website, you would have often seen me urging you to leverage the internet to create a side business - a source of passive income that makes money while you sleep.

One of the most common (and also the most effective) ways to run a side business is by creating a website and then, once you have a sizeable following, monetizing it through advertisements or by upselling products. As a beginner, you might not be willing to spend big bucks on buying a domain name and a web hosting service. This is where Bluehost fits perfectly into the picture. It is extremely affordable compared to the competition. You can do the basic setup, start creating content and then, after a year or so of continued effort, if you see that the side business is working well, you can expand further.

In any case, you would have little to lose. So go, signup and get your website running!



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