How to find a worthy mentor in life

Most successful people you look at, they always had a mentor to guide them at some stage in their life. Warren Buffet had Benjamin Graham, Steve Jobs had Bill Campbell, Bill Gates had Buffet himself. Do you think it's a coincidence? Nope.

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A mentor is important because it lets you learn from another man's mistakes without having to commit them yourself.

Who to choose as a mentor

Look for someone who ticks at least three of the following criteria:

  1. Has achieved a goal that you aspire to achieve.
  2. Has his life in control - overall health, well-being a non-material source of happiness.
  3. Has earned his success and wasn't born into it.
  4. Has considerably more experience about life than you would.
  5. Is someone you can interact with, even if not on a daily basis.

How to get a person to mentor you

Remember, if you have to ask someone to be your mentor, they will NOT mentor you. Asking is not the way to go.

Imagine this:

Someone younger, more inexperienced than you comes to you and says:
"You're awesome! Please be my mentor and tell me what to do in life."
"Please. Pleaseee. Pretty pleaseeee...."

How does that sound? Needy.
What's more, they have next to nothing to offer you in exchange for your mentorship. Would you want to invest time in mentoring such a person?

You do not want to look that way in front of a potential mentor. A mentor must see you as someone they would want to mentor. Put yourself in a position where they feel that you are not a threat to them and that your success is their success. Show them that you have a drive. Do this and they would accept you with open arms.

Until next time,


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