Never Settle for the Average

Being mediocre is a crime.
There, I said it.

Mediocrity is boring.
Mediocrity is common.
Mediocrity kills individuality.

And the only thing that is worse than mediocrity is SETTLING for mediocrity.

What do you mean?  What went wrong?

Human beings were able to evolve and separate themselves from chimps because they did not settle. they constantly evolved and improved, and here we are today.

Recall the time when you were younger- 6 years old. You were a kid who was always looking to learn. Finding out something new every day. Always looking to grow - even if it meant you could get hurt.
When you couldn't walk, you never gave up. It did not matter to you even if you fell down and it hurt a little. You grew older, you tried to play with kids around you - maybe you got hurt sometimes; a bruise here, a little cut there. But, That did not keep you from going back to play again the next day. When you were younger, you always wanted to be the best. The best footballer, the best baseball player, the best actor, singer, scientist, astronaut - pick anything, but YOU WANTED TO BE THE BEST at it.

Then, suddenly, years rolled by, time passed and somewhere in the glimmer and pressures of the modern society, you lost your will to be the best. You started accepting defeat more often. You started holding back. You were more scared of failure now than ever.

Why is it bad?

Fast forward to now, and 99 percent of all people inhabiting the planet are all too comfy, settled nicely, content with their mediocrity. They are the sheep, controlled and ruled by the top 1 percent that strived to rise above average. This top one percent did not settle, and now, they are reaping rewards.

The world is a very crowded place. There are billions of people. Now, if you are to ever achieve anything of worth you need to set yourself apart.
  • You need to ensure that you are not the same as everyone else. 
  • Bring something to the table that others cannot. 
  • Be better than everyone else in at least one area.
  • Create value, so much so, that people are willing to pay you for the value you create.
When you are just average, you are the same as the next person. You cannot differentiate the value you bring to the table. Hence, you will be ignored. You will just be the same as everyone else.

How can I fix it?

Now, not settling for mediocrity does not mean you try to be the best at EVERYTHING you do.
No, that will NOT work.
Instead, a better approach would be to choose an area where you are innately better than others. Then work hard, devote time to practicing, improving yourself in that niche. Over time, you will be able to outwork all the others. And you will reach the top 1 percent in your chosen niche. This is when you have OVERCOME MEDIOCRITY.

In the coming posts, you will learn more about how to not be mediocre anymore. You will see what to do, how to it and how to keep pushing in the right direction until you rise to excellence.

But for now, make sure, you convince yourself that there is nothing worse than settling for what you are right now.
ALWAYS keep pushing.
Keep hustling.
Keep wanting more.
It's like Naval says,  "The biggest room in the world is room for improvement."

Strive to be GREAT.

Until next time,


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