Conquer your mind, upgrade your Body, build long-term Wealth

Welcome to Mind Muscle Money!

Before you read any further ask yourself the following three questions: 

  • What is it that I desire the most right now?
  • What is it that I desire the most for myself 15 years from now?
  • What is it that I desire to accomplish in this life?
Make sure you answer every one of these questions in a single word (or 2 words at most). Take a while if you have to. Think well, the answers you give might seem unachievable to you right now. Does not matter. Remember these answers until the end of this article. Write it down somewhere if you need to.

Now, you're ready to read further.

This website will be built on three pillars: Mind, Muscle (fitness) and Money.

Why these three you ask?
Glad to explain!

Consider for a moment that the forces in the universe are feeling kind today and you are the sole object of their gifts.
If you were to close your eyes right now, and suddenly have 10 million dollars dropped into your lap, how would you like it?
"Woah man!", you say. 
Close your eyes again and your body transforms to a form even Greek Gods would envy - high vitality, high energy, free of sickness, ailments, and, lethargy.
Muscle and fitness
"Holy crap!". Wait there's more the universe wants to give to you.

Now, as the last gift, you are given the ability to take complete control of your thoughts - you are confident and straightforward. No more social anxiety, no lack of focus, able to speak what you want, the way you want. Commanding respect from men and women alike. how does that feel?
"This is surreal..." 

Now, take a look at the piece of paper where you wrote down the answers to the three questions asked at the beginning of this post. With these three newly obtained gifts, I bet you another 10 million that all your goals would now appear much closer.

"This is all sweet and amazing. But I know none of this actually happened. It's all imagination!"

Hold it right there. This is where Mind Muscle Money enters the picture. This website will be focussed on getting you closer to the three goals you laid out in the first few lines of this post. Day by day, minute by minute. One step at a time.

This is a place where I will be giving out several ideas and methods to achieve these three. And then some more.

Do not come here, if you are looking for shortcuts. Do not come here if you are looking for get-rich-quick schemes. Do not come here if you are not willing to put in the work required for YOU to be GREAT. Do not look for the easy ways to success, because there are none.

And if you decide to stick to this blog and follow the advice, rest assured you will see a million positive changes in yourself in the coming years!

Stay tuned!

Until next time,


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